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ISO 14001 

OneCERTIFIED system of Environmental Management, opens the doors of the world for your company. with MAX CONSULTING, your company progresses faster.

AISO 14001 is a certification standard that helps a  organization identify environmental impacts and promote objectives and actions that improve performance in its processes, in order to minimize negative effects on the environment and the surrounding community . It also broadens the parameters for managing your legal compliance and aligns practices with your sustainable business purposes.

Conquer the
ISO certification 14001 will place your company among the most competitive globally.

implant the
ISO 14001 system

in 6 months

We have already helped companies to implement the certified system in less time. But, 6 months is a viable period, as long as your team dedicates the necessary effort and follows all the consultant's guidelines. We pass on knowledge and train everyone so that your company masters the requirements of the standard and is prepared to receive the external audit and gain approval.

How will we make your company achieve certification?

  • We will deliver theready management modeland we will help your team adapt to the format of your company.


  • we will give thecourses for everyone to master the norm: ISO 14001 training (interpretation and auditor);  Strategic Planning. (Discover the courses here).

  • We will do a Internal audit at the endto make sure everything is ok!

  • We will be present at the visit of the External Auditor, to give youmore certification security!

  • we will always beavailable, Mon. on Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm,for the Max Consulting Platform(meet here) 


  • we will celebrate togetheryour company's certification!

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